In Riga and within a radius of 100 km around Riga

Do you need to open the door, repair the lock, or change it for a new one? Call or write a text message.
Take a picture of the door, the key lock that doesn’t work. Also send WhatsApp your location.

We will give you an answer and recommendations within a few minutes. Open the door, replace the broken key lock with a new one.
What will the cost be?
The master’s arrival time in Riga is 15… 20 minutes

PLEASE respect our time in the event of a false Challenge.


In Riga and within a radius of 100 km around Riga
- Opening of doors in Riga
- Car Opening Door Trunk
- Locker service change to new ones
- Opening safes
- Door repair
- 24/7 service

Do you need to open the door, repair the lock, or change it for a new one?
Call or write a text message.
Take a picture of the door, the key lock that doesn’t work. Also send your location on watsap.

We will give you an answer and recommendations within a few minutes. Open the door, replace the broken key lock with a new one.
What will the cost be?
The master’s arrival time in Riga is 15… 20 minutes

PLEASE respect our time in the event of a false Challenge.

Key and door SOS service specialists with more than 25 years of work experience - it is a team of professionals consisting of highly qualified specialists who are able to quickly and qualitatively provide the necessary assistance related to unlocking, protecting, strengthening and protecting your home. When you contact us, you can be sure that we will do everything possible at the highest level.
We will give you an answer and recommendations within a few minutes. Open the door, replace the broken key lock with a new one.
What will the cost be?
The master's arrival time in Riga is 15...20 minutes
Our professionals will open the car trunk without damaging the car and breaking the windows!
We open car doors and trunks, regardless of the year of manufacture or car dimensions.
We also try to solve car door jamming caused by electronic problems on the spot.
- Many lock models remain in working order after the unlocking process.
- We open (unbrick) doors with simple to the most complex locks.
- Unlocking the door is done with a special, high-quality import tool.
- After the entrance door, metal or steel, is de-bricked, its structure and external appearance remain intact.
- We open (unbrick) any metal, steel door with any lock, from any manufacturer, domestic or foreign.
- This also applies to garages, safes and other shutter systems (if technically possible).
- Remember that there is no such thing as an unbreakable door like a lock, as they say: "If someone invented and made it, then someone else can break and open it".
- Broken or damaged locks !
- If you lose your house keys and can't open the door !
- The master opens the door without damaging the door or the lock.
- If necessary, change the lock to a new one.
- If the apartment has fallen and small children have been left in it or food has been left on the stove while cooking, then a master may be needed urgently.
Lock Change A modern lock is a complex high quality device.
It is very difficult to install one yourself if you do not have the given skill.
- Repair of locks! In some cases, the specifics of the installation of the old lock and the design of the entrance door dictate the need to completely disassemble the door. Most often, this applies to metal doors with a bolt/cylinder system.< /li>
- Lock replacement repair -We will help make your door secure by installing or replacing door locks with modern models - which reliably protect against break-ins.
- Lock replacement repair –Always available for installation and replacement of all mechanical model locks and cylinders.
Key and door SOS service specialists with more than 25 years of work experience - it is a team of professionals consisting of highly qualified specialists who are able to quickly and qualitatively provide the necessary assistance related to unlocking, protecting, strengthening and protecting your home. When you contact us, you can be sure that we will do everything possible at the highest level.
- Broken or damaged locks !
- If you lose your house keys and can't open the door !
- The master opens the door without damaging the door or the lock.
- If necessary, change the lock to a new one.
- If the apartment has fallen and small children have been left in it or food has been left on the stove while cooking, then a master may be needed urgently.
- Repair of locks! In some cases, the specifics of the installation of the old lock and the design of the entrance door dictate the need to completely disassemble the door. Most often, this applies to metal doors with a bolt/cylinder system.
- Lock replacement repair -We will help make your door secure by installing or replacing door locks with modern models - which reliably protect against break-ins.
- Lock replacement repair –Always available for installation and replacement of all mechanical model locks and cylinders.
Urgent sos door opening.
Opening car doors, opening safe doors, in case of lost or broken keys.
Change of locks, installation for any door.
Opening doors for apartments!
wood, aluminum, metal, plastic
To any address in Riga
we arrive within 15 to 20 minutes from the moment of receiving the order.
Change of locks, installation for any door. Opening Doors for Apartments After opening doors, metal or steel, their structure and appearance remain undamaged.
Opening car doors and trunks
We open car doors and trunks, regardless of the year of manufacture or car dimensions.
We also try to solve the electronics problem on the spot caused by blocking the car door.
Maintenance and prevention of door key mechanisms and locks In order for key mechanisms and locks to perform their functions longer, maintenance must be performed at least once a year. We often encounter the fact that one of the locks stops working (door, safe, car).
Change of locks, installation for any door. Door Opening for Apartments!
wood aluminum metal plastic After opening the door, metal or steel, its construction and external appearance remain undamaged.
Broken or damaged locks ! If you lose your keys and can’t to open the door ! The master opens the door without damaging the door or the lock. If the apartment fell and small children were left in it or food was left on the stove while it was being prepared Quick door opening!
Fast opening of garage gates and doors! Garages in cooperatives. garages of private houses. Garages of industrial objects. After opening the garage gates and doors, the external appearance remains undamaged.
Opening safes, opening safe doors without damage or with minimal damage with possible further use.
The better the quality of the safe, the more problems it can cause in case of lost keys.< /p>
If you need to change the password after cracking the safe. So that unwanted persons who know the old password cannot open the safe, the master changes the password of the safe. It is also possible to change the lock, which, of course, inevitably leads to changing the set of keys.

Opening keys, locks and doors
Door opening in Riga car
Door opening car in Riga Door opening for Riga Apartments
Door opening in Riga for Safes
Door repair Lock repair and replacement Door service Alarms and remote coding
Biežāk uzdotie jautājumu par: Durvju atvēršana
Kas jāņem vēra ja nepieciešams atvērt duvis
1. Kā atvērt durvis? Vai ir pieejams rezerves atslēgas komplekts?
Ja jums nav pieejama rezerves atslēga un esat atslēdznes priekšā ar aizmirstu vai zaudētu atslēgu, durvju atvērsna neizdodas
SOS SERVISS DURVJU ATVĒRŠANA, varam palīdzēt. Sazinieties ar mums, zvanot uz +371 24 246 464,
un mūsu speciālisti varēs ierasties, lai atvērtu jūsu durvis.
2. Vai ir iespējams izmantot alternatīvas metodes, piemēram, slēdžu atvēršanas instrumentus vai atslēgu nūjas, lai mēģinātu atvērt slēdzi?
Ja esat mēģinājis izmantot alternatīvas metodes, bet durvju atvēršna nav izdevusies, dodiet mums iespēju palīdzēt. Mūsu speciālisti izmanto drošus un efektīvus instrumentus, lai atvērtu slēdzi bez bojājumiem. Sazinieties ar mums, zvanot uz +371 24 246 464, lai iegūtu steidzamu palīdzību.
3. Vai ir iespējams sazināties ar automašīnas ražotāju vai piegādātāju, lai iegūtu rezerves atslēgu vai palīdzību ar auto atvēršanu?
Ja jums ir problēmas ar automašīnas atslēgu vai auto atvēršanu,neizdodas durvju atvēršana mēs, SOS SERVISS DURVJU ATVĒRŠANA, esam šeit, lai palīdzētu, un mēs varēsim sniegt palīdzību vai norādīt, kā rīkoties tālāk.
4.Vai ir iespējams sazināties ar drošības uzņēmumu vai specializētu servisu, kas nodarbojas ar seifu atvēršanu, ja ir aizmirsta kombinācija vai bojāta atslēga?
Ja esat aizmirsis seifu kombināciju vai ir bojāta atslēga, varētu būt vērts sazināties ar drošības uzņēmumu vai specializētu servisu, kas nodarbojas ar seifu atvēršanu. Tomēr, ja vēlaties ātru un efektīvu risinājumu, zvaniet uz mums, SOS SERVISS DURVJU ATVĒRŠANA un mēs varēsim palīdzēt ar seifu atvēršanu vai citām jūsu vajadzībām.