



Opening doors in Riga
Opening apartment doors, opening metal, garages, safes 24/7

Door Opening 24/7


Locks and locking mechanism – SOS doors opening!

When opening, the door does not suffer!

We reveal the locks, but do not do vandalism! Great experience and good foreman makes our success.

  • Many models of locks, after opening the doors, remain in good condition.
  • We are opening (revealing) doors with locks, from the simplest to the most complex models.
  • Door opening is performed using special imported, high-quality tools.
  • After opening the door, the design of the door (entrance, steel or metal) and the appearance remain intact.
  • We reveal the (open) any metal steel door with any lock of any manufacturer (domestic and imported).
  • All of the above applies as well to garages, safes and various other locking systems (if an unlucking is technically possible).
  • Keep in mind that there is no such doors and locks that cannot be opened, as the saying goes, “If someone had invented and produced, it means someone else can open”.

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Opening doors and locks